
Hebrews 13 - Examine...Act

After examining one's own heart, life, actions and reactions, according to the Lord's will - we are given further admonitions, yea directions for right living.

The writer of this wonderful book concludes the letter called "the book of Hebrews," with definite instructions for the believer to live by.  Stay with me as we examine the next twenty five verses.  You will be glad you did.

First,  verse one states plainly, "Let brotherly love continue."  Obviously, in the life of every believer there will be times when this godly love is tested and tried.  In more ways than one can count, the slippery, wicked one has a multitude of ways to derail godly choices.  It starts with the love a believer should have one for another.  If that can be broken or taken out of its right perspective, every other decision and choice in life will be harder to follow.  Remember, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." (Pro 4.23)

Second, verse two is the reward for following verse one: "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.When will we realize such an amazing truth? Probably when we get to heaven and will know all we are suppose to have known on earth had we followed His perfect leading.  In any case, this verse is plain that there are angels, God's earthly agents, among us.  Also underlying this truth are these verses;
  • (Psa 91.11)" For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 
  • (Heb 1.14) "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?"
  • (Psa 103.20) "Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word."
Third, maybe the ones that are "in bonds...and bound," are that way in verse three because of the behavior in verse 4. "Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled: BUT whoremongers and adulterers God WILL judge." With all the double marriage (a discussion for another time) inside the church,  i.e. "the bride of Christ," is it any wonder this verse is inserted in an otherwise positive, instructional chaper?
It would seem the directive would be when demonstrating love, kindness and care one for another, be warned to keep it clean.  Flesh is no match for the wiles of the wicked one and the ungodly passions that could be aroused when "loving" one another.  If one will keep the mind clean and pure, (Rom 12.2, Phil 4.8)  the heart will follow and fleshly lusts will be kept at bay.

Fourthly, How is one to be "content with such things as ye have? Verse five and six answers this question, just remember five things:
  1. He said, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Comfort indeed. (v5)
  2. (v6) we are also reminded that, "the Lord is my helper..." from Ps 27.1
  3. Verse 7 gives a discipline to be acknowledged; "Remember them which have the rule over you..."  as long as it is by"faith" from the "Word of God." 
  4. Another truth to bear in mind always from verse 8, "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever." A believer may be comforted by the truth that no matter what happens in life, HE NEVER changes!  The truths presented in this blog are unchangeable as HE is the I AM and "changes not." (Mal 3.6)
  5. The sternest warning and instruction for staying on the "straight and narrow" pathway come from verse 9.  So simple, yet all too often forgotten and set aside by weak minds. He said, "Be not carried about with divers an strange doctrines. Why? (because it is) a good thing that the heart be established with grace..."
Fifth thought, in verse 13; "...bearing His reproach."  Also remember where He said plainly, "they don't hate you they hate Me..." (Jn 7.7 and 15.18)  - You know the drill - all is going well within your company of friends or at work or even among family or church folk and then the atmosphere or attitude changes and you wonder why.  If you have been walking as much as possible in His way and will, there should be no reason, right?  The thing is as a believer, you have probably done a right, honest, righteous thing as is your nature and the flesh in an unbeliever was riled. For example,  because of  "goody two shoes," making sure to clock out on time and not milk the company for extra time, it makes the others look bad.  Another workplace example could be when you had a bad attitude towards someone, whether they knew it or not and you apologized.  An unbeliever who may have overheard such an exchange would be offended because they feel justified when having an attitude towards one "who deserves it."
The idea in verse 13 is that we do these things "because" of the Lord Jesus and what He has done for us and is doing in our hearts and lives by way of the Holy Spirit.  Satan HATES this.  When you "bear His reproach," as a believer, you are walking the "straight and narrow."

Sixth, remember when you practice all of the first five steps you will maintain the hope noted in verse 14 of the "city that is to come," and that will give a believer reason to "praise God continually...and give thanks to His Name.," as stated in verse 15.
Seventh instruction, as this blogger sees it is simple from verse 16 and 17, "do good...and Obey them that have the rule over you...for they watch for your souls...and must give account..."  One could apply this to the world as well but be reminded that scripture is written to believers.  It is a real balancing act to stay true to God while in the world but most important to do so within the body of believers such as Pastor and congregants.  It is no mistake the Lord set down an order of authority; God, the man, the woman, the children.  (I Tim 2.12, Eph 5.22, Eph 6.1-3) 
This is a worthy principle that should be taught at home, the church and exercised in the workplace.  Much heartache, confusion and trouble would be avoided.  Then, the peace of God would rule in all and there would be less chaos and turmoil in our family's and our lives.

The closing words of Hebrews 13 are a call to pray.  (I Thes 5.17) The writer wants the believers to "pray for us."  Then, he proceeds to tell of his prayer request(s) and closes with "Amen.

So it is with each believer while walking in the light of His will.  Do so according to His Word and end in prayer with the same. 

Amen.  God bless all readers who would see this blog and gain insight or help. 

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