
Sin offering

Yesterday, I took a look at the "sin offering" in Leviticus 4.  The one detail glaringly clear, in my mind at least, was that before the writer tells about the types of sins in chapter 5, one reads, who is allowed forgiveness by the offerings of a blood sacrifice.  The natural question would be, "you mean forgiveness is not allowed for all?"  The answer is "all are without excuse" (Rom. 1.20) and if one fits a category given in chapter 4, then, by grace, of course one may obtain forgiveness of sins.
Remember, it is God Who chooses those He bestows grace and forgiveness. (Mal 1.3, Rom 9.13, Eph. 2.8, 9).

Categories of those without excuse:
  1. (4.2) "a soul"
  •  basically, anyone. But remember who this chapter is written to.  "Chosen people, Israel."  Should that make a difference with this first category?  You decide.
      2. (4.13) "whole congregation"
  •  all the assembly the author would be addressing is held to the  same law - even if the sin is    "through ignorance."  Again, we are all "without excuse."
      3. (4.22) "a ruler"
  •  no one, regardless of social or political status, is exempt.  "All have sinned and come short..." (Rom 3.23)
      4. (4.27) "common people"
  • even those who are not privileged to the teaching of the law.  This one gives me trouble except to comprehend the doctrine of election.  God, who is holy and answers only to that holiness and to no created being, directs His salvation, through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom and when HE chooses.  
  • Election is one of those doctrines I rest in but must at times "put in the mystery bag." (I Tim 3.9, Col 1.27, Eph 6.19...)
The conclusion of "to whom" the sin offering is granted would be the words of an old preacher;
"The mystery is not that He chose some but that He chose any!"

                                "I'm glad I'm one of them!" 


Today, I have had a difficult time settling down from this weeks activity.  I asked the Lord to help me center on Him and meditate upon His Word.  Instead of moving on the the next offering given in the Levitical law, He gave me this;

A recap of what has been studied so far and Holy Spirit spoken thoughts to go with recent study;
  • the burnt offering - this is the offering one should willingly give to be "flayed to pieces."
1.       My Best would be extra time that should be given to Him
  • the meat/meal offering - this was to have no leaven, that is, I'm to add nothing to what He has given.
 2.     Must Bend to His will in every detail
  • the peace offering - all fat and organs to do with the blood (kidney and liver) were to be burned, this was a specific directive.
3.     Must Bow to anything the unction of the Holy Ghost says to put away, i.e. all
        excesses  (fat is an  excess) He puts His hand to.

Much of this may seem repetitive to the reader, but the writer of this blog cannot get away from the "inexhaustibleness" of the riches of His Word.


Peace offerings

Wow!  What a revelation!
Peace offerings:
  1. to be killed at the door of the tabernacle, never the inner sanctuary or "holy of holies" (3.2) 
  3. all the fat is to be burned - particularly that with the liver and kidneys
  •  note that the liver and kidneys have to do with filtering waste and impurities from the blood - interesting that the Holy Spirit would move the recorder of this passage to mention "removing" the impurities involved with the peace offering
I believe the above remarks, to any bible student are self explanatory.
One should never bring strife, disharmony or disunity into the Lord's house, the church house.  There is danger in such behavior and attitudes.  God's law of sowing and reaping are "without repentance."  We all must abide under sowing and reaping.

However, the idea in chapter 3 that caught my attention today is in verse 11 and 16;  "food...for the fire."

What is "food for the fire" when looking at the peace offering?
  1. "fat" or in my mind, "excesses" (3.11)
  2. the kidney or liver..."All the fat is the Lord's" (3.16)
  1. Never eat fat - (excesses)
  2. Never eat blood - (life is in the blood)
A thrice Holy God put a high premium on peace in His house.  Sacrifice, blood, excesses - leave it all outside the tabernacle.  Why?  So, real worship may take place in the "beauty of holiness."  (Ps. 96.9)
Is it any wonder He never meets with the church as in days gone by?  We bring so much attitude, worldliness (excesses) and "bad blood" into the house of the Lord.  God forgive me for times I have brought any unholy attitude, thoughts or ways into Thy sanctuary.  Amen.  Ps. 57.7

Conclusion of burnt offerings, Lev. Ch1-3

In short, the burnt offering should always be viewed and given with the utmost solemnity & soberness.  God does not want our second's, He wants us to willingly give ALL our best and ALL ourselves. 


Salty Christians

Lev. 2.11-13 to recap:, the burnt offering
  • 2.11 no leaven in meal offerings (to be given as given to us by the Lord)
  • 2.12 first fruit offerings never to be burned on the alter (to acknowledge the ONE who gave it in the first place
  • 2.13 every offering, season with salt ("salty Christian)

  1. preserves - (perseverance of the saints)
  2. adds flavor - (God puts a mark on those that belong to Him, they are "unique" in their way(s) contrary to the ways of the world)
  3. makes one thirsty -(because of the witness of the power of the Holy Ghost, others will be "thirsty" for the kind of life observed in a real saint of God)
In short, the burnt offering should always be viewed and given with the utmost solemnity and soberness.

No Leaven!

2.11  "No meat offering, which ye shall bring unto the Lord, shall be made with leaven..."

Leaven (Websters) something that modifies such as yeast to make 'sour' dough.
Why couldn't leaven be added to the "meat/meal" offering?  If a "modifier" is used, then the offering is not "of the Lord" but "modified and made "sour" by the leaven.  

It is clear that God that God wants me - ALL of me - just as He designed, after grace through faith."  Any "offering" presented with an attitude of "look what I've done for the Lord," makes that offering "sour" and displeasing to HIM, thus is rejected.

Genesis 4:3-7
  • Abel gave the firstlings of the flock.  That is, he gave humbly of the Lord's provision.
  • Cain gave also of the Lord's provision but gave a thing, pridefully "modified" or grown by his own hand, thus was rejected.
  • The key is attitude.  Real offerings originate from HIM and humbly presented back to HIM.
 Any blessing(s) such as possessions, talent or time are His "from whom all blessings flow," to be used as He sees fit.

...That which is left

Leviticus 2:10 ...that which is left

Oil, of course, as a type of the Holy Spirit, is used in making this "meat/meal offering."
And "that which is left..." (belongs to)
  1. Aaron and his sons (the priests)
  2. ...is a thing most holy of all other offerings
  3. ...is of the Lord made by fire.
Just as one realizes the burnt offering of our will is His to "use to pieces" according to His good pleasure (1.6); Meal/flour/bread as a type of the WORD in our hearts and lives ('daily bread')

  1. comes from Him to us in revealed parts
  2. is indeed "Holy" ...the WORD made flesh and dwelt among us (Jn 1.14)
  3. all works are tried or revealed by fire (I Cor 3.13, I Pet 1.7) 
In this writer's most humble understanding, "...that which is left" is one's flesh to be used of God as HE wills, since HE gave ALL, then, we are "what is left."


Leviticus 1 - The Burnt Offering

1.3-6 The burnt offering is to be  1. without blemish, 2. of one's own will and 3. to be "flayed and cut into pieces."

  • My take on this is that the flesh, which cannot be without blemish, must be put on the altar as a burnt offering.  That being noted, we are to give the best the Lord has given us, in talent, time or blessings, (that would be the "w/o blemish" part), voluntarily (that would be of "one's own will"), to be used "to pieces" as God wills.
On a personal note:  God has given me "grit with my grace."  While I must continue to submit my sinful, selfish and unruly ways, this "grit" is His to "use to pieces" as HE chooses.

1.11 Why must the burnt offering be killed on the "northward side" of the altar? Strongs Concordance (SC)  defines "the north, the north quarter" this way; "the ancients regarded the north as obscure and dark; the south, on the contrary as clear and lighted by the sun.

  • Since we know the Lord always has purpose and plan - could we conclude that to "kill it on the north side" is a representation of the serious, sober, severe and grave act one must exercise to completely subdue and "kill" the flesh in interest of satisfying a Holy God?  That means I must completely and utterly destroy my will in favor of His blessed will.