
"I will not leave thee"

It is in my heart to write what the Lord seems to impress on my spirit this day.  This morning, my devotion continues and I am in 2 Kings 2:1-11. 
Three times, before leaving this world in a whirlwind (v11), the elder prophet had to separate from the younger man to finish the work God had given him.  Three times, before "going home," he comforted the younger man with these words, (v2, 4 & 6) "I will not leave thee."  The reassurance came after being told by "well-meaning 'friends,'" that the old man was gonna be "taken away." (V3 and 5). 
  • Were these men watching to see if Elisha would stand the test?  
  • Were they hoping to be in his shoes by way of being under the watchful eye of the revered and respected Elijah?
Elisha was fully aware it was near the time of the older mans departure from this earth.  Clearly, the old prophet saw anxiety in the young man and gave him the reassurance necessary to see Elisha through until he "took up the mantle." (V13).
The words used in the title of this post remind me of Another who said the same thing.  Deuteronmy 31.6, when Moses was going to hand for the leadership to Joshua.  Then again in Hebrews 13.5, the writer reminds the reader of this great truth.

It would seem the Holy Spirit is nudging my heart with this great truth today.  Next door a soul is in the balance, maybe two.  Bad news was given yesterday and although I was not called for, I went.  One question came from the tormented soul's mouth, "I've asked forgiveness but feel no peace as others have explained."  My only response was to "let go of whatever was between the heart and God."  It is all of Him and none of our works.
I do not know the outcome of this conversation yet but I can see the mighty hand of God in the circumstances that brought a beloved son from afar to the side of the loved one.
Yes, Lord, like Elisha I will say to any who question the circumstances, "Yea, I know it, hold ye your peace."  (V3).