
How to be more?

 "Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God."  (Phil 1.11)
The verses prior to this scripture were given a few years ago in answer to my dilemma of "being more than I am."  Once, this blogger was told that I "missed out on many blessings because I didn't love more."  This idea plagued and hurt my soul.  Then, the Lord gave me Phillipians 1.9, 10.  The truth is, to be sincere, one must be true to "the knowledge of love" that is in the heart.  

"I cannot, sincerely, be more than I am."

Which begs the question, how may I "change" to be more "to the glory and praise of God?"
The answer is found in verse 11.  "Being filled with the fruits of righteousness."  
What are the "fruits of righteousness?"

Well, Galatians 5.22 and 23 actually defines these things.  Although, it should be noted "fruit" is singular in this passage.  There is no reason a believer should not exhibit the full list:
  • love
  • joy
  • peace 
  • longsuffering
  • gentleness
  • goodness
  • faith
  • meekness
  • temperance (patience and moderation)
How are these things to be accomplished inside so they may be seen on the outside?

Verses 24 and 25 of Galatians 5 answers this simply:
"And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. (and) "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."

One should ask themselves:     
  1. Have I "crucified the flesh...affections...and (its) lusts?"  I do not know the issues, problems or "affections and lusts" that stand between you and fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit  but I'm thinking that even now there are things popping up in your mind that identify with this scripture.
  2. Do I "live and walk in the Spirit?"  This hits a bit closer to home.  To answer honestly, one must be honest with oneself.  Where do you tend to stray?  It's a good question and if you answer truthfully and deal with such problems, you'll be happier for it.                                                                                       
Now, this blogger could "tick" off most of the things listed above.
Love comes as noted from Phil. 1.9,10 - "sincere, according to knowledge.
Joy is happiness when the heart is full in services magnifying the Lord and the joy that comes from being a mother and grandmother, in my case.
Peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith all come from the certainty of salvation and being "content...whatsoever state I am (in)." (Phil 4.11) This believer has learned to "go with the flow" in whatever way the Lord wills or brings circumstances to my life.
"Meekness," is a little harder.  The heart tends to react when provoked and hurt.  However, this too finds peace when understanding it's all part of His plan and will to mold me and make me into His likeness.
"Temperance" or moderation and patience is a regular part of christian training.  It seems to never end for this believer because I do not trust the words and actions of others as "sincerely" as I should.  If their intent is to harm or malign my heart in some way, that is between them and God.

Otherwise, I am peaceful and just take what comes as part of His plan. (Jer 29.11)

Which appears more pleasant, a bowl of fruit or vegetables?

Both are healthy. Both are good too eat.  However, which one is sweeter?  Of course, the fruits.
God has so made our bodies that "sweet" is preferred to no taste or "salty".  "Salt" is a whole other lesson, which, is needed to add flavor to almost any vegetable!

How are we to obtain the "fruit" necessary for "the glory and praise of God?"

Notice verses 24, 25 of Galatians 5: "crucify the flesh; walk in the Spirit."  A tall order to be sure but not impossible, if we search out His will according to scripture.

So much more could be said on the subject of separation and righteousness.  But for now, "be what you are," in the Lord and according to His will, as much as possible. (Rom 12.18) Because He loves you. (I Jn 4.7-8, Jn 3.16, Rom 5.8)

Be MORE "by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God."

Prayerfully and Humbly submitted,
"Greenland Bible Studies" blogger
Ps 57.7