
Leviticus 1 - The Burnt Offering

1.3-6 The burnt offering is to be  1. without blemish, 2. of one's own will and 3. to be "flayed and cut into pieces."

  • My take on this is that the flesh, which cannot be without blemish, must be put on the altar as a burnt offering.  That being noted, we are to give the best the Lord has given us, in talent, time or blessings, (that would be the "w/o blemish" part), voluntarily (that would be of "one's own will"), to be used "to pieces" as God wills.
On a personal note:  God has given me "grit with my grace."  While I must continue to submit my sinful, selfish and unruly ways, this "grit" is His to "use to pieces" as HE chooses.

1.11 Why must the burnt offering be killed on the "northward side" of the altar? Strongs Concordance (SC)  defines "the north, the north quarter" this way; "the ancients regarded the north as obscure and dark; the south, on the contrary as clear and lighted by the sun.

  • Since we know the Lord always has purpose and plan - could we conclude that to "kill it on the north side" is a representation of the serious, sober, severe and grave act one must exercise to completely subdue and "kill" the flesh in interest of satisfying a Holy God?  That means I must completely and utterly destroy my will in favor of His blessed will.

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