

 Let us examine the word, "rest" as written in Hebrews 3.3-11. Let us explore the meaning in verse 9.  "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God."  Believers one and all agree that "rest" is indeed a welcome state of being in this life.

Webster's 1828 defines "rest" as follows:

  • cessation of motion or action of any kind
  • quiet, free from motion or disturbance
  • sleep
  • peace
  • place of quiet habitation

There are 265 verses that contain the word "rest" indicating we are not machines and should "stop and smell the roses" along life's way.  In other words, "don't miss the important stuff."  
Strong's Concordance (G4521) calls "rest" "the repose of Christianity."  One simply stops and "rests" the mind, body and spirit from the toils and struggles of life.  It is indeed a physical stopping of activity but also the entire body must be quiet and still.

So, rest is not simply sleeping. In the photo, the child seems to be pondering the clouds.  Maybe, she learned about bears and see's that shape.  Maybe, she is thinking of her sweet puppy and seeing his shape in the sky.  Maybe, she is wondering what her loving mother's heart looks like. Whatever is going thru her mind, she does not appear to be struggling with the thought or thoughts.  There is also a trusting manner in her pose.  She is not worried about anything or anyone disturbing her quietness.

One of this bloggers favorite verses is Hebrews 4.9.  The "rest" that is our inheritance when we trust in the Lord.  I'm not quite sure if the writer is indicating "rest" here or in the hereafter.  I do know that trust in the Lord aids in this quiet state of being. The wise preacher told us to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."  Prov 3.5.  In this way, we may "rest" our minds and spirit by leaning on His divine leadership, guidance and counsel.

The thing is, if "rest" in this verse means the hereafter, then we know there will be no worries when we are forever with the Lord.  If "rest" in this verse indicates what a believer can have while in this temporary life, then He covered that part too.  When we "acknowledge Him in all our ways, He (promises) to direct our paths. (Prov 3.6)

If your spirit, body and mind needs such a "rest," I have a song and another verse for you...
Colossians 3.2; "Set your affection (singular, you only need ONE focus) on things above, not on things of earth."
The song is titled 
Things that won't be there

There are so many reason's I want to go to heaven and Jesus is number one.
I've read about the streets of gold and all the songs yet to be sung.
I know everything will be perfect that's waiting in that land so fair.
But sometimes I like to think about everything that "won't be there!"

There won't be any headaches or backaches or stomachaches in that land.
No connecting the dots with these age spots on my hands.
I won't need reading glasses to see. And no arthritis will be in my knees.
Sometimes I like to think about everything that won't be there.

You'll never see me up there shoveling snow.  
There will be no poison ivy or grass up there to mow.
No mosquito's, ticks or fleas and no red ants gnawing on me.
Sometimes I like to think about everything that won't be there.

At supper time the phone will never ring with telemarketers selling me everything.
My front door will never be locked and no junk mail will be in my mailbox.
Sometimes I like to think about everything that won't be there.

There's no calories or fat grams or carb counting on that shore
and you won't have to fight those diets anymore.
No treadmill walking for me with these bunions on my feet.
Sometimes I like to think about everything that won't be there.

There will be no time in heaven it's eternity!  I will never know when April 15th will be.
So when I'm living beyond the stars I won't need to call H&R
because the IRS will NEVER hear from me!

There won't be any headaches or backaches or stomachaches in that land.
Or connecting the dots with the age spots on my hands.
I won't need reading glasses to see and no one will have to eat gluetin free.
Sometimes I like to think about everything that won't be there.

There's no kudzu on those hills and you'll never hear the sound of a dentist's drill.
Sometimes I like to think about everything that won't be there.
I won't need head and shoulders for my hair.
None of us will have to give these viruses another care.
Sometimes, I like to think about everything that won't be there!

Go to this site if you want to hear this little song.
Things that won't be there (start at 39.34)

Next time your body, mind or spirit needs a "rest," Think about everything that won't be there!  Go to His Word and recharge.  Gaze at His magnificent creation.

Rest in Him.  Sincerely, Greenland blogger, Ps 57.7

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