
Light out of darkness - no excuses

 How is it so?  What happens when the smallest light enters a dark space?  Vision!  Faith to "walk towards the light." Hope that all is not dark.  What does light mean to you?

All these questions are worthy of our attention but the verse in 2 Corinthians 4.6 says this: "For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness..." takes things to a whole new level.

We understand the light being referred to is "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."  However, the heart of this blogger is directed to the word "commanded."  It was not a suggestion, a recommendation or a proposal, it was a command!

Webster's 1828 dictionary defines command this way: to bid; to order; to direct; to charge; implying authority, and power to control, and to require obedience. to govern, lead or direct; to have or to exercise supreme authority over. To direct; to send.

There should be no mistaking the authority in the word "command."

So, this blogger would direct attention to another verse to further expound on the "command of light to shine out of darkness."  Romans 1.20 states, "...being understood...so that they are without excuse."

A sad statement to those who continue to walk in the darkness of their sin.  There is "no excuse."  God "commanded light to shine out of darkness." Is the Judgement Seat real?  Will we be judged for acts done here on earth that were "dark" instead of according to His will?  If one believes 2 Cor. 5.10, then the answer, of course, is yes!  AND if one walks without the Lord Jesus then the end is sad indeed.  No return from the regions of the damned. 2 Peter 2.4 and Luke 16.23

Simply concluded, 

  • Will you come out of darkness
  • Will you answer the command?

Prayerfully submitted,


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