
Real love - Believeth all things

 I Corinithians 13.7 seems to be a powerful verse to this blogger at the moment.  It's been read many times thru the years as a believer but recently, the Holy Ghost is quite literally "shouting" it's truth.

The next part of  the verse noted is that real love, "believeth all things."  

Obviously, "all" doesn't mean for one to be naive in "all."  However, the passage speaks to this writer in a very sensitive way since it is not my nature to trust.  Naive, according to the dictionary means "deficient in wordly wisdom or ignorance about life."  Simply put one would be, "unassuming, not skeptical or to take another's word at face value."

Some tend to be skeptical about all information that is given.  Real love doesn't operate this way.  Real love "believeth all things."  If two parties are having a talk, discussion or discourse about any given subject, "real love" will take what is being said literally.  Real love will not question motive or intent.  Ideally, the giver of information will have neither motive or intent to manipulate the other party's thinking on a subject.

If you tell me the sky is green instead of blue, it should be a given you wouldn't lie about it.  Undoubtedly, this is a simple and unrealistic example, unless a tornado is on the way, but it makes the point.

To believe like a child is a hard thing for jaded, hardened adults to do.  Yet, real love is like the innocence of a child.  Trust your Heavenly Father to lead, guide and direct your steps in all matters.  If one wrongs you by virtue of telling a wrong thing, He is their Judge and will set it to rights. (Rom 12.19)

The Lord put it this way in Mk 10.14 and Mt 19.14; "...little children...(their innocence) is (like) the kingdom of God."  

Finally, the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4.8, "whatsoever (was good) ...think on these things."

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