
Household Salvation

John 34 gives much to meditate and study on.  However, part of my believer's heart is found in verses 46-53.  The Lord heals the noblemans son, at the nobleman's request.  But that is not the best part.  Because the nobleman "believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him," (v50) his "whole house" also believed. (v54).

If the recall is correct, since 2015, the Lord has consistently promised me "household salvation."  There are family members that I pray for almost daily for salvation.  As close as some have been and some are to things of the Lord, still they are "not saved." (Jer 8.20)  I won't say this is a doctrine, per se, but I do believe it is encouraged in the scriptures.  Let's start with Noah.

Noah was told "come thou and all thy house into the ark." (Gen 5.32, 7.1)  Then we see in Hebrews 11.7 that he "prepared an ark to the saving of his house...by faith." 

The jailer who held Paul and Silas, on experiencing the earthquake that thrust open the doors of their jail cell, saw a light and fell down to beg, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"  He was told in Acts 16.30, 31 to "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, AND thy house."

So it is that "the God of Abraham," (Exo 3.6) who is also the "God of Isaac, Jacob and Joseph..." is evidence enough that the Lord is interested in "familial salvation." So, while "household salvation" is not necessarily a doctrine, there is evidence of the truth of such a blessing.

The patriarchs of the OT believed and told their children and children's children of their belief and experiences concerning the Lord.  It is quite obvious that if Noah's children and their spouses had not believed the Word of the Lord in the coming judgement, they would not have been saved.  We have the rainbow to tell us of the Lord's promise and His Word to tell us of the account of what happened to nonbelievers!  They died! (Gen 6.21)

The NT ushers in the church and the period of grace.  Yet in Rev 21.8 it is quite clear of the end to all nonbelievers.

Back to John 4.  It seems evident that "the nobleman," after experiencing the miracle in his life, "persuaded" his family to the same.  He heard and saw that the Lord did what He said He would do. Jesus said, "...thy son liveth...And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken to him..." (Jn 4.50) Before he got home, the Lord confirmed by the servants that met him, He had kept His word. (Jn 5.51).  It is also clear that the nobleman was so excited about this experience, he "himself believed and his whole house."    

Thus, by faith, this believer will keep believing and encouraging lost family members to go to church.  This believer will continue to quote scripture as applicable in given situations.  This believer will keep believing and trusting God to bring unsaved family "into the ark."

God bless and keep trusting and believing for your crew!  Ps 57.7

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