
"His train filled the temple..."

"In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple." (Isa 6.1)

In ancient times, the flowing train of a monarch's robe was symbol of glory and splendor. It was the part of the robe that signified majesty and authority. The longer the back hem of the robe, the more powerful the sovereign.  There is no doubt as to the authority and majesty of the One to whom the "train" belongs in this passage in Isaiah.

While there are many other symbols and spiritual applications in this imagery, this blogger would focus on the "train" today.  The meaning of "train" from the Hebrew according to Strongs concordance is: skirt (of robe), such as a high priest's robe, the bottom edge of a robe.  As a noun, Webster's 1818 dictionary describes the word this way:  

  • The tail of a fowl. For example, The train steers their flight, and turns their bodies, like the rudder of a ship. 
  • A retinue; a number of followers or attendants, My train are men of choice and rarest parts. The king's daughter with a lovely train.
  • A series; a consecution or succession of connected things, Rivers now stream and draw their humid train
Breaking the word down into Webster's meaning gives our readers a beautiful view of parts of the Lord's character and what He does for His people.  
  1. Like the tail of the fowl or the rudder of a ship, the train is the part that steers the bird or the ship.  So it is with the ways of the Lord, if we walk in the council of His will and way we will be "steered" always in the right direction.
  2. Like the train that accompany's the brides garment as she is admired from the back, like minded believers will follow, completely and without hesitation the "beauty of His holiness." (I Chr 16.29, II Chr 20.21, Ps 29.2).  Thus causing them to "walk in His ways." (Deut 8.6)
  3. Like the definition of "connected things," believers are united in Spirit as brothers and sisters in the Lord and "fluidly," like the connected rivers and streams, follow the Lord. (Rom 12.5, I Cor 3.9, Gal 6.10)
This train has much meaning. More than this simple minded blogger can comprehend. But make no mistake, it is an important, relevant part of how one is to view the Lord, "high and lifted up."  If His "train filled the temple," then we are to be covered and out of view while He gets all the glory and is all in view.

God bless and keep each reader. Amen..

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