
Oh really?

This blogger has not had any consistent studies to date.  However, this believer is reading the scripture daily.  With that foundation being stated, below is an interesting exchange from work yesterday:

I work in a furniture store and have to turn TV's on and off everyday.  Yesterday, I noted to a coworker, "The TV didn't turn off  yesterday it's still on." My coworker said, "maybe it's a ghost."  I stated,"there isn't any such  thing."  Because He knows I am a believer he quipped, "then, it's the Holy Ghost."  To which I replied, "He is a real person, you know.  The Lord Jesus told us that when He went back to the Father, 'He would send another.'"  My coworker said nothing else but at least the Lord, I believe, channeled His witness thru this believer.

The exchange above came to mind as I read this morning's devotion; "...try the spirits...every spirit that confesseth not the Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God...(but of) antichrist..."  We are over-comers to this because we also understand that "greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."  (I Jn 4.1-4)

This same coworker claims to be an atheist, though he had a "wacky" mom who took him to church regularly growing up.  He has said this is the reason he left his home many years before - to "get away from the religion that is shoved down his throat here in the south."  Life circumstances brought him back to the state of his birth and he is now in my view as we work together.  Thus, the exchange was in my heart at his comments about "ghosts."

It is no accident in God's economy that this my job is my "mission field."  I pray over my words or even if certain comments need a reply, thereby avoiding the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of another.  This man, though kind in his behavior towards me, I'm sure mocks me in his mind.  No matter, let's examine the devotional a bit further.

Carnal people will attempt to engage a believer to argumentative actions, if nothing more than for their own amusement.  They really don't care if you or they are right, they just like to see a strong reaction.  John, the beloved, instructs believers to "try the spirits whether they are of God."  If it's the Lord's purpose to open a dialogue with such an one, the believer must know this is the Lord's will and not just to be validated and proven right.

Never use the bible like one would "wildly" swing a sword not knowing how to use such a destructive weapon or even where to hit the target with the most lethal effect.  A wise military strategist would say sometimes to "retreat" is the better option, regardless of the reason.  The reasoning is that one would "live to fight another day."  Make no mistake we are in a spiritual battle.  This is a spiritual fight.

The truth is when this believer prayed that day, one prayer request was to "make me a witness" and this was the first encounter at work.  Nothing else was necessary as a "witness" that day except to "live what I preach."  It's been said an unbeliever is more affected by "seeing" a believer than "hearing" one.

There is a song that says "Make me a blessing to someone today."  That is my heart regarding things of the Lord.  I hope it's yours.  Validation or being credited with a good word or deed are unimportant when measured side by side with His will and for His glory.  Ps 57.7

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