

Image result for weary runnerThe preacher's recent message was from the book of Job and titled "Don't let the storm move you."  His "friend," Bildad, was "counselling" him on why all the misfortunes were taking place in Job's life. 

The truth is, I have moved from the tenderness granted during the darkest storm in my life, almost 16 years ago.  Then I read Hebrews 12.3; "Consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds."  Wow! Talk about hitting the proverbial, "nail on the head." A few verses later, (12.8) says, "But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards (illegitimate child), and not sons."
This intense weariness is definitely some of that chastisement because I ignored His bidding some 32 years ago.  Forgiven, yes. Reaping, yes.  His child, yes.  The consolation for this weariness is the last part, I'm His child and I know it because of the reaping/weariness.
I also know I'm not alone and I know that (Heb 12.10) after "a few days chastened..." it is for my profit that (I) might be partaker(s) of His holiness."
In conclusion to this short "sermonette," YES, I'm in!

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