
by faith...embraced and confessed

The ninth installment on "Faith."  Previous study's below.

The same verse (Heb 11.13) that tells us the believers who "died in the faith..." were "persuaded..." of that faith, also declares they "embraced and confessed (those promises by faith) AND that "they were strangers and pilgrims of the earth."

embrace - (W)  To take, clasp or enclose in the arms; to press to the bosom, in token of affection.
To seize eagerly; to lay hold on; to receive or take with willingness that which is offered; To comprehend
confess - (W) To own, acknowledge

When one believes and is persuaded of such a thing, one can also give oneself over entirely to such a thing "unseen."  They "embraced, and confessed..."  that they did not belong in this "present evil world." (Gal 1.4)
Powerful motivation, then, to do the bidding of the One believed.

It was said of the early Apostles that, "These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;" (Acts 17.6)

So, by faith, believers "eagerly lay hold of in token of affection and receive willingly and acknowledge" all the scripture tells us of One and His country, we have not seen.  Quite a statement to those who view life only by the five senses of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling.  What a glorious thought, then, to "sense" there is a world beyond this one. There will be a day when we will see Him face to face and "know as we are known." (Rev 22.4, I Cor 13.12)

As we continue the study of those in the "Hall of faith," if the reader will consider how tenaciously believers, "believe" what they do, then it won't be but a tick of a stretch to understand "how" they did what they did.  Their testimony of faith is a monument of grace to all those yet "to believe."

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