

Haggai – name means festive
...consider your ways.” (1.5,7)
Consider your ways activity using thumbs up/down props:

Reading my bible before bed
Running in and out during preaching time
Answering the best I can when asked a question
Paying attention to the preacher
  1. Giving the TV/gaming/internet more time than God (No other gods before Me)
  2. Ignoring my favorite (whatever) when time to read the bible (No graven image)
  3. Listening to other people/movies/TV use the Lord's name in vain (not take My Name in vain)
  4. Going to an activity/amusement/anything else other than church on Sunday (remember the sabbath...)
  5. Mom said not to but she really doesn't mean it (honor thy father and mother)
  6. I will trust the Lord to take care of those who bully me, I will pray for them (Thou shalt not kill)
  7. I will be faithful to my friend (thou shalt not commit adultery)
  8. No one is looking I want that (thou shalt not steal)
  9. I broke the candy dish but I will say someone else did or it fell off (bear false witness)
  10. She has the thing I wanted and I am glad for her (not covet)
...consider your ways.”
  • The following takes place in just 3 short months...(over 2500 years ago)
  • This little book opens with the people back in their homeland, Israel. They are back after 70 years of Babylonian captivity. The Lord, through Haggai, admonishes them to “consider your ways.” (1.5, 7)
Why would He say that?
Well, look at 1.6, “Ye have sown much, and bring in little, yet eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put into a bag with holes.”
Not doing too well, are they?
Wonder what the problem is?
  • Look at 1.8; they were told to “Go up..and build the house..” ( i.e., the house of the Lord) but as usual what do they do? They put time, money and effort in themselves by building their own houses, while the temple of the Lord lay in ruins, from it's destruction when they were taken captive 70 years before.
They are neglecting the Lord's house in favor of their own!
Are you neglecting God's business?
  • Even when they are compelled to build it back – subpar materials are used. It will never be the glorious and magnificent building it was 500 years before when Solomon built it. They don't give their best in spite of their history of God's deliverance again and again. So, of course, they are discouraged – because they did not give their BEST to the Lord!
  • The prophet teaches (2.10-19) – that if they don't turn from impurity and apathy then whatever they put their hands to is unclean, just as their hearts are. Only true repentance and faithfulness will bring God's blessing
  • However, the blessed Lord who loves His people, always gives hope when it seems there is none. So the prophet tells if (2.20-23) about the future hope for Israel. He tells of the enemy being “overthrown.”
    ...consider your ways.”

    Will Haggai's generation be faithful to God? One must read the final two books of the OT to find out.
    Will your generation be faithful to God?

    Using your thumbs again – answer this question, Are you doing your best for the Master as you “consider your ways?

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