
Nehemiah - wallbuilder

  • (1.8) Because Nehemiah, like Ezra the Scribe, knew the law of God that said He would “scatter them among the nations” (Deut 4.25-27), also understood why the people were captive and the walls of Jerusalem were “broken down.”
  • God's unchangeable law of sowing and reaping (Gal 6.7) applies to all
  • Have you seen things go wrong because you did wrong?
  • (1.11) Nehemiah was the cupbearer for King Artaxerxes – and while this may seem a noble position be aware many wanted to poison the King – so the cupbearer who also “tasted” the contents of the King's cup – lived with the possibility of death every day!
  • This could also be a picture of the sinner under the condemnation of God! “the wages of sin is death” (Rom 6.23)
  • Are you living under the condemnation of God's law? Are you saved?
  • (2.1-8) But God in wrath remembered mercy. N. was sent by the King to survey the damage and gather the materials needed to rebuild the wall. The King gave N. “letters of passage” for each step of the journey from Babylon to Jerusalem. Just as we have God's Word to guide us safely to heaven in the journey of life.
  • (2.10, 19, 4.1, 62) As always, Satan attempts to halt N's progress. Sanballat & Tobiah did not want N to rebuild, most likely for no other reason than jealousy.
  • Has grace been applied to your life of “broken down walls?”
  • (2.11-16) N kept all the details to himself and examined what was to be done by cover of night. So it is when the Lord gives one a directive, one d/n boast and say, “Look what I've done!” Because without God you could do nothing. I also believe another reason for surveying what should be done by cover of night was so that Satan c/n get the upper hand in the details. To keep the devil from knowing what God has put on YOUR heart, is another reason not to brag!
  • Do you brag about doing good deeds or are you satisfied that you did what was right and need no praise?
  • (2.20) So, they began to build, according to the encouragement of God's man.
  • Are you encouraged by the preacher's message to “build” in the work God gave for your life?
  • (4.2) When you work for the Lord – you know you are doing a thing He has placed on your heart – prepare to be mocked – as Sanballat and Tobiah mocked the Jews.
  • (4.6) But, because of the encouragement of the preacher and God's Word, “the people had a mind to work.”
  • (4.7,8) Because of the fierceness of the enemy, God's people had to “watch & pray” (Mt 26.41). They worked with a weapon in one hand and laboring tools in the other. (4.17)
  • Be warned to NEVER let down your guard when all seems to be going well – thank God for the good stuff and keep going.
  • It is Satan's mission to exploit Christian's at their weakest point.
  • Do you continue to pray and read God's Word when things are going well and especially when they aren't?
  • (6.15) God honored their faithfulness and the work was finished in 52 days! No electricity, machines or running water. No grocery stores, cars or fast-food restaurants.
  • What have you faithfully put your hand to that God honored?
  • What walls have you built to strengthen your Christian walk and to keep the enemy out?

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