
GOD, the SON

The next lesson in the Young Teen class is about, "God, the Son."  The first thoughts when teaching about Him are all His Names; "Messiah, King of Kings, Prince of Peace, the last Adam, Bread of Life, Chief Shepherd, Saviour..., to name just a few."  However, the name that we are to focus on, as noted in the title of this post is, "Son."  We would tell that He is the second person in the Godhead, which we discussed last week.  It is no surprise, then, in the Sovereignty of God, that the date we will be talking about the Lord Jesus Christ, is Valentine's day.
  • What greater thought and emphasis on all that HE is, than LOVE?
With that established, it is also no coincidence that current morning devotion brings us to Isaiah 50.6; "I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair. I hid not my face from shame and spitting."
Love defined in Websters 1828 dictionary; "In a general sense to be pleased with; to regard with affection, on account of some qualities which excite pleasing sensations or desire of gratification."
In the Hebrew, love is seen as from human to human or "be attached to or long for."  In the Greek, love is defined as "affection or benevolence (disposition to do good will or be kind to with a desire to promote happiness).
Then, in the next verse (7), we read; "For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I 'set my face like a flint,' and I know I that I shall not be ashamed."
So, what do all the explanation(s) mean?
To think on the love of Christ, is to acknowledge that every human should have been destroyed, annihilated, cast into hell with no hope because we turned our back on Him.
To think on the love of the Lord Jesus Christ is to repent and humbly admit we deserved death and no hope.
To dwell on the love of Jesus is to realize;
  • we have hope, we do not have to go to hell and 
  • we have someone who promised to "never leave or forsake us."
  1. His love in Salvation, is unparalleled
  2. His love as the Saviour is unimaginable
  3. His love as the Sinless one is uncomprehensible
One must ask:
"Why? Why would He go to Calvary, why was His lifeblood shed for me? Why did He suffer as no man has ever done? There's just one reason, I am the one!"  "He loves me, He loves me, Jesus loves me. He loves me, He loves me. Jesus, loves me." (Of course, that is the lyrics to a song) but still the question is, "Why would He love me?"
I had/have nothing to give. I am weak and helpless without Him. The scripture also tells us why we should love Him, "because He first loved us." (I Jn 4.19).  But "why," why would He love me? Ephesians 1.4, 2 Thessalonians 2.4, He "chose us" to Himself because He wanted to!  Amazing, incomprehensible thought that He would "include" me in His purpose, will and plan.  Thus acknowledged, what am I to do with such an love?
"Set my face like a flint (Isa 50.7)" and do His will as much as lieth in me, no matter the cost.  To understand His love will take eternity, to respond to His love will take my lifetime from the change at Calvary.  In my case, that will be 34 years, this June.
In a word, don't try to understand it, just enjoy it, respond to it and share it!

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