
Why didn't Jonah drown?!

So, I'm reading about Jonah for tonight's class.  The lesson is entitled "correct."  Obviously, the children are to be taught about the consequences of disobedience.  The thought that leaps out at me is this; Why didn't Jonah drown!

Ah, my  favorite doctrine, Sovereignty!
  • God commanded (not suggested), "Arise, go to Nineveh..."  
The Lord even told Jonah why He told him to go; "their wickedness is come up before me."  God does not owe any of us an explanation for His commands but in this case, the preacher had a "need to know."
  • As you all know, of course, this believer, "went the other way!"
Also, as you all know, Jonah's actions caused others grief.  You know, "the great wind...and mighty tempest in the sea..." that would have sank the ship, in a hurry!
So, "the mariners...knowing only 'a god' could cause such a thing, 'cast lots.'"
  • Guess who got the shortest straw?  Yep, right again, Jonah!
Jonah accepted responsibility for this mess and said "cast me forth into the sea; so shall the sea be calm..."
Moral men that they were, they tried a few other things; like rowing harder.  Of course, that didn't work, so, in the end they did as Jonah said.
Now, the interesting part, we know, because the bible said so, that the Lord "had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah..."
  • We know the rest of the story - 3 days/nights, the fish regurgitating one baptist preacher....
  •  Still, the thought I  cannot get away from is "Why didn't Jonah drown?"
  • Because, dear christian/reader, God had a purpose.   
God always has a purpose.  He makes no move without one.  Why?  "He has mercy on whom He will." (Jn 5.21, Rom 5.18, Mal 3.16) The Lord purposed to save Nineveh from destruction at this time and determined to use a Baptist preacher to do it despite that preachers objections!

  • So, no matter how deep or how long He had to stay under, Jonah COULDN'T drown!  
What a blessed thought, even when I am stiffnecked concerning His will, He will effects events in such a way as to bring me into compliance.  I can not drown!  However, just like Jonah was in the belly of the smelly fish, one can make things harder on oneself if  we don't submit to His will.
You are welcome, have a blessed day!:)

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