

  • Have you prayed and prayed and prayed and no answer has come?
  • Do you claim, "cast down but not destroyed?" (I Cor 4.9-11)
  • Do feel "weary in the battle?" (Gal 6.9)  
  • Do you think an answer will NEVER come? (Jms 1.3, 4) 
  • Do you feel the fire that seems never to end? (Zech 13.9)

The prophet, Jeremiah, who never saw a convert and was known as the "weeping prophet," had a word from the Lord in Jeremiah 33.3; "Call unto me, and I WILL ANSWER thee, AND show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."  Israel was indeed delivered and later prophecy fulfilled when they became a nation again. But not for a looooooooooong time.  We can see, however, that God did answer.

                                                    So, will you trust Him or not?

In the early part of this believer's life after the Lord opened my heart in salvation, all I wanted to hear was "hellfire and damnation" style preaching.  After all, it is what I "cut my teeth" on.  Also, I could "amen" and affirm such messages because "I didn't do those things."  As I've grown older physically and spiritually, I now understand why encouragement is what is needed.

The burdens and cares of life are indeed heavy.  However, I Jn 5.3, 4 explains "His commandments are not grievous" and we are "overcomers."

  • Does it seem time is running out?  
  • Are you watching your dreams go up in smoke?

Hold on, dear one, a little longer - "...I the Lord will hasten it in his time."  (Isa 60.22) "Coming down the road was Jesus, RIGHT ON TIME!"

This blogger offers two illustrations that have many scriptures to back them up.  However, if you are reading this, you understand and probably already know these truths.

Prayerfully submitted to one who is suffering and waiting.  

Hold on a little longer, HELP IS ON THE WAY!

Hold on a little longer, HELP IS ON THE WAY!