
Holding back - Spiritual death for the believer!

Joshua 7 records the story of how one man caused defeat for the whole camp.  The conquest of Jericho was ended in chapter 6.  This Achan must have felt victorious.  He must have also felt proud.  We learn in the OT that "pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." (Prov. 16.18) 
It seems reasonable and clear that this Achan thought with "God on our side, how can we fail?"  He failed to remember one little thing; all material spoils should have gone to the "house of the Lord," not in his private "kitty." 
God rewards faithfulness but to His glory, not personal gain.  (I Cor. 10.31)
For this act of greed and pride, this man was stoned along with all his family.
Pride and greed have no part in the life of a believer.  It is certain spiritual death!  Deal with covetousness.  Confess prideful thoughts and behaviors.  Then, one may "live and dwell" in Canaan.


...the blessing and the curse...

Deuteronomy 30.1
What is meant by "calling to mind the blessing and the curse?"  It seems one would desire to forget about any evil brought to one's life. 
Here is what the Lord impressed on my heart;
This verse is about being a witness of all God has done, the good and bad.  The writer said "when,"  you call them to mind "among the nations," not if you speak of Him.  When a christian begins to tell, on unction of the Holy Ghost, of the things God has done, it is as natural as breathing to recall what one has been delivered from as well as the blessings and benefits. 
It has been said only one truly guilty can appreciate a pardon.
The Psalmist wrote, "the judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether." (Ps. 19.9)

With the above thought, Bro. Spurgeon had a great meditation this day regarding "the Light." See the link below.   It is my desire to stay in His light and speak of "all His judgements."



Why can't I associate with these people?

It's been a while since my last post.  However, the day is getting busier by the moment.  So, I will just stop and see what is in recent devotions.  I have moved on, slowly, in the book of Deuteronomy.  In reviewing recent notes, Deuteronomy 23.1-8 strikes me.  When reading this passage, my mind asked the question, "Who is restricted from entering 'the congregation of the Lord?'"
The answers I found are as follows:
  • v1 - the eunch
  • v2 - an illegitimate individual
  • v3 - those of a different faith or persuasion
The obvious next question is, "why?"  Why would anyone not be welcome in the "congregation of the Lord."  "The congregation..."  God's people were forbidden to associate with the three groups labeled above.  Politically correct?  No, of course not!  Right with God in doing so?  Absolutely!

So, why are the three groups unable to "mix and mingle" with God's people, "the congregation of the Lord?"

Deuteronomy 23.14 reads, "For the Lord thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp, to deliver thee, and to give up thine enemies before thee; therefore shall thy camp be holy:  that He see no unclean thing in thee, and turn away from thee."
I see three things to answer today's question;
  1. to deliver thee
  2. to give up (destroy) thine enemies
  3. be holy
The last point, being the most important to the other two, is key.
He says, "be ye holy, for I am holy." (I Pet 1.16, Lev 11, 19 & 20).  This is not a suggestion, it is a command from the OT & NT!  Logically speaking, "how can one be holy when mixing with unholy things?"
God called Himself an earthly people and a spiritual people.  Jew and Gentile.   If one is "of either group,"  there  is no excuse for being "unequally yoked" with unbelievers or believers (so-called), who practice in any way the characteristics of the three groups mentioned.

Rather than go into lengthy discussions about each group, it is my prayer, that anyone taking the time to read this post, will search out the matter.  The truth is from 2 Cor. 6.17, we are to live "separate" from this present world.  We are not "better than them," but we are to be separate and unspotted (Jms 1.27) from them.  Is it categorically, "us and them?"  Yes.  However, on further meditation, by grace we are in the category, "of some have compassion, making a difference." (Jude v22)

God bless you and keep you as you continue to "work out your own salvation (the way that you live) in fear and trembling." (Phil 2.12)